Pomegranate Juice - prevents cancer, is good for the heart and boosts your sex life.
Researchers believe that pomegranate juice has the power to reduce fat around the stomach - the tyre in men or muffin top in women. After only a month, a volunteer who consumed a bottle of pomegranate juice daily was found to be less likely to develop fatty cells around his/her abdomen.
They had also much lower blood pressure, therefore reduced risk of infarction, stroke and kidney disease. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh think pomegranate juice can reduce the amount of fatty acids in the blood called nonesterified fatty acids or NEFA. Previous studies on humans and animals have shown that high levels of NEFA is associated with a greater storage of fat around the stomach, and an increased risk of heart disease and type II diabetes.
In the experiment, a group of men and women are given a 500ml bottle of pomegranate juice to drink each day for four weeks. The researchers found that nearly half of all volunteers had much lower levels of NEFA at the end of the trial. They believe that this will make them less likely to store fat around the abdomen. Moreover, more than 90 percent of men and women, lower blood pressure at month end.
Emad Aldujaili and Catherine Tsang, Researchers at Edinburgh University's School of Health Sciences, said: There is no doubt that pomegranate juice is beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease, because the results showed a significant and consistent lowering of blood pressure.

Yet another research!
Does it mean I can stay slim n fit by drinking pomegranate juice?