HIV infections to hit 3.2 million a year by 2031 if funding doesn’t rise
HIV infections to hit 3.2 million a year by 2031 if funding doesn’t rise. Just to keep the pandemic under control would cost up to $ 733bn, report published in Lancet warns, merely controlling HIV and AIDS will cost between $ 397bn and $ 733bn over the next 20 years - and unless more money is spent , the pandemic will spread, experts warned today.Though the Global Fund for Tuberculosis and Malaria not even get the pledges for a minimum of funds, the campaigners for global public health is encouraging that donors will pool more funds to meet 4 October 5 New York.
If funding is not increased from 2009, infections could rise from 2.3 million a year to 3.2 million by 2031, claimed a report from aids2031 funding group, led by the performance of Development Institute in Washington DC.If same would have approved, of anti-retroviral treatment for HIV had been tripled to 7.5 from 2.5 m at the end of2009. In Lancet medical journal, Group warns it is increasingly unlikely in tough economic times as donors and governments will find enough money to finance a rapid increase in universal access to prevention and treatment services at 2015.
Despite need for increased funding, the amount pledged by donors stood at $ 11.7billion, not even meeting the minimum required threshold of $ 13 billion.
The Global Fund and Pepfar (the U.S. president emergency plan for AIDS relief) are the two largest sources of funding for AIDS prevention and treatment in developing countries countries.
However, aids2031 the paper uncovered more effective ways to use funds available.There are high hopes from the UK in pledge for a remarkable amount this week.The European countries can also contribute more money, if their growth prospect remains sound. And some developing countries with higher income and less intense epidemics, like China, India and Ukraine, may be able to take over the costs of combating HIV itself, leaving more money to poorer countries.
But there is a window of opportunity in the next couple years.Countries can really change how they compared to how many lives they save and infections prevent.The the group warns that although the world adopted the most comprehensive strategy currently possible to prevent the transmission of the disease, HIV would not be halted. They estimates that 1.2 million people would still be infected in 2031, means that even under the best circumstances it will be a continuing epidemic in 2031, 50 years after the emergence of HIV / Aids.
Without a technological breakthrough as a vaccine, HIV will continue to spread. With the fewer assets, existing arrangements will not be cut, but calls the lack of a blow to the planned new, said Michel Kazatchkine, The Global Fund is the boss.